To learn more about our medical billing services, call (973) 239-4040 or contact us here for a Free consultation by a medical billing professional.

Welcome to Advanced Billing Concepts

Advanced Billing Concepts, LLC is a medical billing company servicing a multitude of provider types, from internal medicine to mental health. We have years of experience with insurance billing, accounts receivables, collections, worker’s compensation and PIP cases, as well as contracting and credentialing. Our team also has extensive knowledge and experience with PT, OT, and Chiropractic billing and administrative protocols.

We understand that for some providers who keep their billing in-house, outsourcing their billing can feel uncomfortable. We pride ourselves on having our clients feel that we are simply an extension of their own staff. When you call our office, you are immediately speaking with a dedicated biller on our team. We also come to your office to make a seamless transition from your current billing situation to us.

Billing procedures, codes, and documentation rules are forever changing; Advanced Billing Concepts, LLC will keep you up-to-date with the most current expectations of all insurances, including Medicare, so that your cash flow is never affected.

Get Started

The “advanced” part of our company is that we find ways to tailor our services to fit into our client’s already established billing protocols. We use highly-efficient billing software but can also set up a direct connection to the system you are already familiar with.

Some clients look to update or change their current protocols to make their office run more efficiently while other clients rather use a system they are comfortable with, either way, Advanced Billing Concepts, LLC will find a perfect fit.